
Monday, January 29, 2018

A TTM From On High

Last year, the Lost Collector posted about his TTM success with MLB commissioner Rob Manfred. He simply sent a letter to Manfred and received an autographed ROMLB ball in return.

Since I read that post, I kept telling myself that I was going to try my luck with Manfred. And then, as it usually does, life got in the way. I got busy with school, returned home to be with my dad when he was sick, etc., and I eventually forgot my intention to write Manfred.

Last week, I remembered. Strangely, I remembered while I was giving a lecture on media effects theories - literally, the furthest thing from Manfred and baseball. I returned to my office and wrote the letter, put it in an envelope and stamped it. When I left for the day, I stopped by the post office and dropped it in the mail.

Yesterday, I had a bubble mailer waiting in my mailbox when I got home.

For the price of a stamp, I received an auto of the sitting commissioner of professional baseball. I couldn't be happier. AJ, thanks for the heads-up!


  1. Nice signature on a snow white ball. Looks great!

  2. Wow, that's fantastic and quite timely!

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