Monday, May 9, 2016


Recently, I've been limiting my "Mail Day" posts to the end of the week. That gives me the opportunity to share the cards that I buy on eBay in one post so I don't flood your timelines with "Ooh, look what I got!" posts.

However, today's mail is good enough to post on a Monday.

What did I get, you ask? Well...

First, this Connor Sadzeck paper auto from 2016 Bowman. It goes great in my Bowman Auto Project. But this isn't the card I want to share. I posted it because I wanted to prolong the suspense.

THIS is the card:

2014 Topps Mini Yellow Printing Plate! Technically a 1/1, though I think 1/4 is more appropriate. Why is this card so important to me? Well, it signifies the completion of a Matt Harrison mini rainbow! You see, I already have the base mini:

The gold mini, numbered to 63:

The pink mini, numbered to 25:

The black mini, numbered to 5:

And the platinum mini, numbered 1 of 1:

Now, just to keep the progression going, here's the plate added in:

Okay, so maybe you aren't as excited as I am. But the harder to find Harrisons are coming along fewer and farther in between, so this is an awesome find for me. The best part? I paid less than $9 delivered!

Anyway, thanks for playing along. I hope you all are well!