Saturday, March 14, 2015

My Biggest COMC Purchase: Part 1

Remember when I bought the 2011 Bowman Heritage Bryce Harper auto? Well, as I always do, I started to regret it. I would look at holes in my collection and imagine how many of those I could fill with the money I spent on the Harper.

So I sold it.

And I made $40 more than what I paid! So I decided to fill some holes. Which led to my largest purchase on COMC (in terms of number of cards). So it's time to share some of those.

Part 1 will center on the cards I bought for a couple player collections. First up, let's see what I got for the Matt Harrison PC:

My first Harry refractor from 2008 Bowman Draft. This one is of the blue variety.

These three hail from the flagship 2009 Topps product. From top to bottom: black parallel, Walmart black parallel and gold parallel.

These are from 2011 Topps. On top, the diamond parallel; below, the factory set limited edition.

On to the Nick Martinez PC:

Here's the 2014 Topps red hot foil parallel.

And the last three for this post. From 2013 Heritage minors, we have the base, black border and Venezuelan parallels.

So that's part 1. Part 2 is coming soon....and it will have a lot of scans. Prepare yourself!!!

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